My travels as a professional "filler inner" have taken me to the far reaches of Peterborough and its surrounding counties. I've encountered people from all walks of life and delighted in the
eye catching spectacles that people adorn their front lawns with at this most magical time of
the year. Many decorators fall back on the safe store made inflatable Santa Claus, Snowman or Penguin. Maybe it's an oversized motorized snowglobe for the garage roof. LED lights are slowly taking over where icicle lights use to dangle crustily in the wind. Rope lighting (once solely for strip club use) has made its way around banisters and been coiled into various holiday shapes. I applaude all efforts to decorate and spread the joy at this time of year. I appreciate a good old fashioned Griswald family christmas but I'm also a fan of the personal touch.
This past Monday we had snow squalls and freezing rain that made driving treacherous. Highway 28 was like a washboard. The dangerous conditions forced a "snow day" on our region. On snow days (for my friends in the Hood) the buses are cancelled so the majority of students can't make it to school. The schools do remain open and the teachers have to be there. I'm fortunate to be in a carpool with 3 other rockstars so I didn't have to make the trip alone. We decided to not take the backroads we often take to the school and remain on the main roads for safety sake. We took our time crawling along Dale Road and were rewarded with a
most excellent display for our efforts. At the corner of Dale Road and Toronto Roads in the tiny town of Welcome we were met with a most awe inspiring sight.
There, frozen in two feet of snow, was the sweet baby Jesus and his whole old world entourage - larger than life.
The pictures I have taken do not do this incredible display the JUSTICE it so richly deserves! Mary, Joseph and the Three Wisemen are joined by camels, sheep and their sheperd, a donkey and a cow frozen up to its haunches in ice (which is primo but not visible in these photos). Sure they didn't have hydrop
The sheperd is so real, shivering in the cold, I want to go buy him a candy cane hot chocolate form Tim Horton's to take the chill off his non-existent bones.
Oh and the Camels! Where do I begin?
I swear I can see their breath in the crisp northern air.
I can only hope that others who pass by this awe inspiring display take a fraction of the enjoyment I have this past week.
It's a graphic display with some minor historical inaccuracies, I'm beginning to wonder what they do at Easter?
So today I launch the first ever "Dove of Love" on the creators of this magnificent scene. We got to see it lit up last night on the way home and yes it was truly a thing of beauty.
I feel truly blessed to revel in it's magnitude daily.
This is B-spot on the crispy northern front saying "Stay High" the natural way!
I could be mistaken but I think that a Frankinsence and Mir log was dropped by the crouching camel. The sweet baby jesus does not seem thrilled by this gift. I often wondered what the people of "Welcome" say when someone says thank you. That could get pretty stupid. With Love G SPot on the Downhigh!
So, whaddaya think? Are Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior, along with Mary and Joseph, and all those camels and livestock rolling over in their graves? Or are they pleased with this reenactment? Those ARE some awesome camels.
I'm jealous!
Ahh, the nativity scene will protect us during the trecherous driving conditions to Hopeless town. On those icy driving days, Herma curses the weatherman, "201! 201!", as we arrive at our destination only to be welcomed by D.M.B. and the spur king. The memories will last a lifetime.
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