Most of the time it's nothing too alarming, I get alot of hits for "truly tasteless jokes" and "cj's country bar" (okay the cj's one does give me a chill but liquor calms my soul).
I recently found a search for "manly nipples" I'd like to thank my friends in Texas for putting that one out there. My personal favourite is from back in the winter "deuce chute"...that was ofcourse until recently.

The most awesome search words generally come from our friends in the United Kingdom. Now Peterborough Ontario is not the only Peterborough in the world. There is also one in the United Kingdom that I often come across when surfing the interwebs.
I think they spend alot of time googling weird shit in the U.K.. Personally, I can get behind that kind of pastime so mad props to the Brits!
I recently found "Peterborough song polish" and perhaps the most awesome recent search (pictured on the left) that originated in the U.K. "enema sins."*
I don't know about you kids but when did a warm gush of water up the poop chute (or deuce chute) become a sin? Sometimes you just need a little help to dislodge that stubborn chunk that's clogging up the whole works.
So keep the hits coming my friends across the pond and
have a warm sudsy one on me!
B-low unplugged
*photo jpg courtesy of the Chrisp cause I'm a mongo.
Hey, Mongo,
I just committed an 'enema sin' about a half hour ago. I wonder if the hotel will charge me for the cleanup.
Propz from Fort Wayne,
It's nothing a controlled burn can't fix!
Mongo out
My new band shall be called "Controlled Burn at the Marriott."
It's just like "The Arcade Fire," only it's not from Mohhhn-ray-all, which makes it better, right?
I'd leave a clever comment, but I'm too busy committing enema sins.
Father I committed my first enema sin at age 11. Since then I have enema sinned countless times. How many Hail Mary's should I do?
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