Welcome fellow haters! You have stumbled upon the Dove of Hate what is the Dove of Hate? The dove is a virtual anger management tool that I want to share with the world. Sure you've heard of the power of The secret and counting to 10 but bro's and ho's the power of the dove is all 'bout you harnessing your anger, your hate, your misplaced aggression and rolling it all into one simple fluttering ball of angst and releasing it on the world. My fellow blogger and sis inlaw can describe it more eloquently than I can in her blog... http://trentonkat.blogspot.com/.
So what's a hater to do?
According to B, my Canadian sister-in-law, we need to take a deep breath and stop thinking about the self-serving, egomaniacal, lawsuit-happy politicians as well as the self-centered, short-sighted, self-destructive knuckleheads in this city, and instead think about how our own anger and disillusionment are adversely affecting our lives. We must envision our negative emotions as a small, football-sized object, in our hands, tangible. We must hold that imaginary parcel in our hands and see it as "The Dove of Hate." Hold the Dove of Hate for a moment with respect. Understand what it is, what makes it. Raise it to chest level. And release, palms up to the heavens, eventually allowing your arms to gently fall to your sides. You have released the Dove of Hate; now watch it fly away!
In her blog Chrissy is making some reference to beautiful and dysfunctional Trenton New Jersey where I spend the bulk of my holiday time. Chrissy married my bro Glen and we've been reeking havoc ever since!
Now the Dove of Hate can be used in most any situation, don't just reserve it for political angst and knuckleheads of the garden variety. Spray it's angry filth all over your friends and neighbours as needed. You'll be amazed at the feelings of calm and peace that overcome you after you've released you're fake, fowl/foul friend into the atmosphere.
Don't take my word for it! Give it a try!
Till next time...Brendage out!
1 comment:
Bro! Awesome stuff! You are a messiah! Praise be to Brendage!
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