Thanks for your concern.
Anyway...I was checking my local newspapers website last night and was assaulted by a "News Alert". These alerts are always highlighted on a red backdrop. I always think it's going to be something devastating to warrant such an alarming colour choice. Alas it was a report about a local business owner being busted on drug charges. I think this news alert could have been put forth with a more subtle colour like lemon or rust. Lets face it the guys not a saint so what's with sending up the flare of surprise?
I found a brief account of the story on another website and have copied it below (in rust);
A prominent business owner and local philanthropist is accused of running a lucrative drug ring out of his family pizza parlour and now faces numerous drug-related charges. Tracy Robinson, 46, along with three other employees at Mr. Bob's Gourmet Pizza and Restaurant, were arrested Monday (Oct. 15) after police searched The Queensway business and seized more than $30,000 worth of cash and drugs.
After getting over the shock that this was considered "Gourmet Pizza" (having once heard Mr. Bob's pizza referred to as "something that looked like an un-wiped babies arse), I was most struck by the word philanthropist in this short piece. I suppose you could say that his crime was motivated by his altruistic concern for human beings and their need to "Stay High" which was inscribed on every baggie of cocaine that was seized. But maybe the writer was referring to Robinson's endless supply of borderline entertainment that wafted through his bar/restaurant over the years. His establishment, which moved ever closer to a local highway over the years (I suppose that provided for easier access for suppliers and buyers) was a hub of no name talent. I applaude you Mr. Robinson for the endless parade of singers/musicians and comedians whom you gave voice to and...for the ladies you provided the counterpart to Thursdays all female review, promoting "Exotic Male Dancers". In short, something for everyone and you even served breakfast. Wow! You are a philanthropist. Sadly I don't think this champion of the people will be able to continue his good deeds where he is going. What will become of "Mr. Bob's Gourmet Pizza"? Where will all the guys with acoustic guitars and a song in their heart sing now? Wi
Will Mr. Bob's go the way of the Bake & Make (pictured on the left) where they finally figured ya gotta bake'em before ya make'em?
Is Peterborough, like Trenton, NJ about to lose another local institution?
Only time will tell.
"Stay High" my friends - this ones for "pants down man", nobody pumps it better!
B-spot on the northside.
The loss of "Pants Down Man" aka Roger of Roger's Service Station, is a devastating blow to all the citizens of the greater Trenton (New JERSEY, that is!) area. He was your boyfriend, and he was indeed, every woman's boyfriend; "the ladies" (and everyone else) will miss him.
Even though it sounds like Peterborough's Mr. Bob wasn't popular with the ladies for his personality (or what was in his pants) like Roger was, it always sucks to lose a local business, even if said business was stompin' grounds for mediocre entertainment. We don't get that in our pizza parlours in NJ!
Hello there!!)I just thought I would drop off my two cents!!!!I have known Mr.Bob all my life and for one thing he is NOT a bad man.I just think it's just nuts how some low life like you would sit back and type up some long blob about somebody you dont know.I think you need to get a life and maybe write about something you know about and not just something you have read.When did God die and make you judge????Until you have an idea about what your talking about shut your mouth!!!!!What is going on is wrong ,but honestly it's none ya!!!
Thanks for your two cents t1gger, but I fear you're missing the main point of this "blob". The misuse of the word "gourmet" and the word "philanthropist" as well as the possible loss of another Peterborough establishment. If what I have read about the charges is incorrect perhaps we should take that up with the local media. Personally, I'd leave God out of this one, he's busy enough as it is. Keep fighting the good fight.
Geez, Stay High, Trace my man. Whah happened since the old day in the East of City. Stay high is right. I'm flyin so high, I been dropping dueces on pigeons. Your stuff was always crunk, and gourmet to boot. Keepin it real! And t1gger, take your two cents, get 98 more, and send it down to me and for a buck, I'll get you to turn that frown updaside down, one rock at a time. Layin Low! G SPOT on the Downhigh!
Wow. It looks like the Peterborough schools failed someone miserably.
Did Bob's stuff have all kinds of pebbles and nasty cut in it, or was it that awesome, super-fine powdery stuff that keeps you geeked up for entire nights at a time? That shit be dope.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a "long blob" that needs to be typed... As soon as I finish crippling my plumbing with a long deuce.
Representin' da Six-Eleven...
I.B. Clean
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