Yeah, Peterborough's a tough town. Even the colonel takes a hard line when promoting new eats at the amalgamated taco bell, kluck 'n chuck on the corner of Monaghan Road and Landsdowne streets. Sure, he comes across all sweet and grandfatherly, but you know that Southern Mofo ain't above bustin' a cap in your ass if you don't try his chicken fries! Peterborough is too damn hard a town for the typical Crunchwrap from taco bell, they had to come up with a brand new taste treat to satisfy the toothless hoards that love to feel the trickle of a warm mexican fastfood dish slide down their nasty palates. The CRUNKH WRAP SUPREME is a local delicacy, it ain't crunchy it be crunkhy.
Now don't be gettin all up in my grill and saying "why you gotta be hatin' B-girl? They just ran out of C's to spell it like CRUNCH" I know you want me to step off and let it go...but haters - I be from the patch and I know it's a message. This town has a seedy underbelly and being CRUNKH is just the tip of the iceberg - BOYZ!
Today Jolene and I went for a mountain bike ride, we took the "creamy path". We ended up off "the beaten path" and Jolene took a header off his bike today and busted up his elbow. I guess the "creamy path" was just to fast and slick for us. Poor Jolene, he got a trip to the Emerg and an x-ray - nothing broken, no more creamy path for him - for awhile! I let him have some KFC to help wash down the hurt. I went into get his order, I was a little shaken by what I saw parked outside.
You don't see what I'm talking 'bout?
Talk a closer look homies!
Yeah that's right SCOOTERS! Not just one...a deuce!
That meant there were at least two of them and only one of me. Normally Jolene would have my back but with his busted wing and his pity party I knew he would be useless to me! I would have to depend on my own street skills if I was gonna make it out alive.
Well the bad guys must've been feeling generous today - 'cause I got outta there with my 3 piece snack pack and my life!
I was wheeling out of the parking lot when I got a load of this whacked out ride! I was so nervous when I saw the bullet riddled body of this Taurus that I was too shaky to get a full shot of the name in the back wind
Well bro's and ho's I'm glad I survived another day in the Patch to share my tales with y'all.
This is B-Spot signing off till next time!
Put it in your eye and stroke it!
Bra, maybe the car came from Trenton. We don't have a KFC within our municipal borders anymore. It is worth the drive. Hope Jolene is feeling better and hope his roast beef wasn't injured as well.
Don't let me down Brendage, pls tell me you buttered the tires on those gumby mobiles! G SPOT on the DownHigh
Dudes,I made sure I sprayed me some pam up in them tires. Aint' no gumby's gonna terrorize my hood without a challenge. Chrisp - Jolene's RB is in traction, and his pity party is in high gear.
B-spot out!
First, sorry to be a hater, but there is a KFC (PFK for you Franco-fags) in T-Town. It be on Souff Broad at Dayton, not too far from the Clean Castle.
Second, I've yet to dine in a combined KFC/PFK/TB eat-a-torium, but sign my ass UP!!! Shit, a Double Decker Taco washed down with the Colonel's Crips-py Strips, some mashed potatoes and a large Mountain Dew is probably even better than a Tim Hortons donut filled with Kraft Dinner!
Mad love from da Six-Eleven...
Amen to that brother...for the hard core Timmy's fans, there's one just a short scooter ride away. If you look closely at pic 2 you can see it's red letters beckoning to you. Mad Props from the home of the Crunkh wrap!
They should add an Arby's to the KFC/TB. Ever had their roast beef? It's super crunkh, dawg.
Mad love from da Six-Eleven.
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